Frequently Asked Questions

I am worried about the Greek life stereotypes I have heard about.

Unfortunately, individuals without complete information often define the image of Greek life. Since only 2% of the U.S. population is Greek, most people don’t have first-hand experience and stereotypes are the norm. Greek organizations do hold social events, but most of these do not include alcohol. These “social” events include educational programs/workshops, community service events, intramural sports, Parent’s Days, Homecoming and Greek Week.

How much time do I have to commit to Kappa Alpha Sigma?

The time commitment varies as to where a student is in their membership. For example, a New Member goes through an educational program to learn the ins and outs of the chapter before they are initiated. So more time will be required However, an initiated Sister will attend chapter meetings once a week and participate in on average once a week mandatory event which at any time can be excused for any reason with good communication between the sister and the chapter.

What is hazing and does Kappa Alpha Sigma haze?

Hazing is when any person or group inflicts or intends to inflict physical or mental harm to another individual. Kappa Alpha Sigma sorority as well the universities, has zero tolerance for hazing. Chapters found guilty of hazing may lose University recognition and their members may face possible legal ramifications.

If I join a sorority, will my grades suffer?

Kappa Alpha Sigma has resources available to help you academically. Greek membership offers scholarship programs that may include study partners, study hours, and time management and study skill workshops. You will also have access to the network of chapter members who already know how to use campus resources like the library, study skills center, computer labs, tutors, and academic advisors. Nothing, however, can take the place of a disciplined and being academically focused to ensure success in college.

Can I participate in Rush if I’m not a freshman?

YES! We would love to have you no matter your year at UW-Platteville!